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Thursday, August 12, 2010

RK Dhaugoda’s basic law of dialectics ( FOUNDATION OF MARXISM)

Any event, system or unit contains opposite phenomena which are also connected relatively by means dynamic reciprocal association with other one or more sets of opposite phenomena again. (It is a new law explored by Dr. R.K.Dhaugoda of NEPAL in the field of dialectics, called RK Dhaugoda’s basic law of dialectics) i.e. opposite phenomena within opposite phenomena, systems, which are interdepended,interchangable each other as four dimensional certain reciprocal associations primarily. in short-dialectics is law of dynamic unity of opposites within opposites-according to R.K.Dhaugoda-this law is applied practically in many instances , TO DEFINE HEALTH AND DISEASE, IN R.K DHAUGODA'S THEORY OF VASCULITIS, IN R.K. DHAUGODA'S GENERAL RATIO OF HEALTH AND DISEASE. AND MANY MORE IN ANY SUBJECTS.

· The health and disease are opposite phenomena, are connected with another opposite phenomena i.e. stress factors(cytokines) and antistress factor (IMMUNITY).

· likewise day and night are opposites related with other sets of opposite phenomena, rotation of earth from west to east in its own axis, and sun arise from east / sets from west.

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